Horizontal Machining Centers

Horizontal | Machining Center
Get more done in one machine with the H.Plus-300. Compatible with FASTEMS systems and configured with the Matsuura-made direct drive 4-axis table, this powerfully efficient machine can shift and adapt to meet changing production needs.

Horizontal | Machining Center
The H.Plus-405 features the Matsuura-made direct drive 4-axis table, Y-axis stroke extension, and compatibility with FASTEMS systems. Uniquely versatile, it delivers long periods of reliable operation, high accuracy, and efficient production.

Horizontal | Machining Center
The H.Plus-500 is uniquely configured with the Matsuura-made direct drive 4-axis table and specially designed to be compatible with FASTEMS systems. Adaptable, reliable, and high-speed, the H.Plus-500 is a highly productive machine that can tackle any project.

Horizontal | Machining Center
With expandable automation, compatibility with FASTEMS systems, and a large work capacity, the H.Plus-504 is the powerhouse of any project. No matter the ask, this machine’s high speed, high accuracy, and high rigidity offer reliable performance every time.

Horizontal | Machining Center
Adaptable and efficient, the H.Plus-630 is designed with the Matsuura-made direct drive 4-axis table and a substantial work envelope. It’s also compatible with FASTEMS systems and can handle around-the-clock machining.