WES Engineering Solutions in the UK employs the Matsuura H.Plus-300 PC15 to deliver the most accurate and advanced machinery while enhancing productivity and efficiency for their customers. With the Matsuura H.Plus-300 PC15, [...]
All Models
Horizontal | Machining Center
Palletized |
Adaptable Automation |
Reliable Performance |
Reliable automation and adaptable tools and pallets make the H. Plus-300 fit for any project. Upgrade pallets as your needs change and achieve higher productivity.

Product Details
Get more done in one machine with the H.Plus-300. Compatible with FASTEMS systems and configured with the Matsuura-made direct drive 4-axis table, this powerfully efficient machine can shift and adapt to meet changing production needs.
Quick Specs
Max Work Size mm (in) |
Standard | [with PC] | Ø530×H760,(Ø20.86×H29.92) | (PC5, PC15) | [with PC] | Ø500×H760 | (Ø19.68×H29.92) | (PC11) |
Spindle Speed RPM |
15,000:BT40 Standard | 20,000:BT40 |
Travel (x/y/z) mm (in) |
500/560/500 | (19.68/22.04/19.68) |