Global Locations Being Successful Means Being Available Our global locations allow us to be available to our customer base all around the world. Matsuura Machinery Corporation 4-201 Higashimorida Fukui-City, 910-8530 Japan +81-776-56-8100 Fax +81-0776-56-8150 Email Matsuura USA 325 Randolph Ave, Ste 100 St. Paul, MN 55102 +1-800-518-4584 Email Takefu Factory 10-1-1, Imajuku-Cho Echizen-City, 915-0861 Japan +81-778-24-1414 Fax +81-778-22-6493 Tokyo Forum Center 1-26-13, Minamirokugo Ota-Ku, Tokyo, 144-0045 Japan +81-3-5703-7030 Fax +81-3-5703-7570 Matsuura Europe GmbH Berta-Cramer-Ring 21, D-65205 Wiesbaden-Delkenheim, Germany +49-6122-7803-80 Fax +49-6122-7803-33 Email Matsuura Machinery Ltd. Gee Road, Whitwick Business Park, Coalville Leicestershire, LE67 4NH, England +44-1530-511-400 Fax +44-1530-511-440 Email Elliott-Matsuura Canada INC. 2120 Buckingham Road Oakville, Ontario L6H 5X2 Canada +1-905-829-2211 Fax +1-905-829-5600 Email Matsuura Machinery Taiwan Co., Ltd No. 208, Da-Angang Rd, Dajia Dist., Taichung City 43743 Taiwan (R.O.C.) +886-4-2676-2377 Fax +886-4-2676-2378
Matsuura Machinery Corporation 4-201 Higashimorida Fukui-City, 910-8530 Japan +81-776-56-8100 Fax +81-0776-56-8150 Email
Tokyo Forum Center 1-26-13, Minamirokugo Ota-Ku, Tokyo, 144-0045 Japan +81-3-5703-7030 Fax +81-3-5703-7570
Matsuura Europe GmbH Berta-Cramer-Ring 21, D-65205 Wiesbaden-Delkenheim, Germany +49-6122-7803-80 Fax +49-6122-7803-33 Email
Matsuura Machinery Ltd. Gee Road, Whitwick Business Park, Coalville Leicestershire, LE67 4NH, England +44-1530-511-400 Fax +44-1530-511-440 Email
Elliott-Matsuura Canada INC. 2120 Buckingham Road Oakville, Ontario L6H 5X2 Canada +1-905-829-2211 Fax +1-905-829-5600 Email
Matsuura Machinery Taiwan Co., Ltd No. 208, Da-Angang Rd, Dajia Dist., Taichung City 43743 Taiwan (R.O.C.) +886-4-2676-2377 Fax +886-4-2676-2378