Join Matsuura at Productivity’s Oktoberfest Tool Show
Join Matsuura USA at Productivity’s 22nd Biennial Oktoberfest Tool Show, September 19-21 in Plymouth, MN. Productivity Inc. will showcase the Matsuura LF-160 PC42 Linear Motor Machine and the MX-330 PC10 [...]
Westec 2023
Selway Machine Tool will exhibit the Matsuura MX-330 PC10 in Booth #1411 at Westec 2023 in Long Beach, CA. Register HERE.
Productivity Inc. Automation Open House
See the Matsuura MX-330 PC10 at Productivity Inc's OPEN HOUSE TODAY! They've compiled an incredible line-up of manufacturing #automation technology for you to experience. Everyone is welcome! We hope to see you there. [...]
Billy Bogue, Vice President of Sales and Marketing, is a featured speaker at GIE Media’s Webinar: Details and Insights on Advanced Machine Tools
Matsuura’s Billy Bogue, Vice President of Sales and Marketing, is a featured speaker at GIE Media’s upcoming Webinar on May 10, 2023: Details and Insights on Advanced machine Tools. Manufacturers [...]
NexGenSolutions Summit – Minneapolis
Please join NexGenSolutions, Productivity Inc., and Matsuura at the NexGenSolutions Summit - Minneapolis April 5, 2023 from 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM At Top Golf Minneapolis - Brooklyn Center More [...]
Matsuura Will Exhibit the LUMEX Avance-25 at RAPID + TCT 2023
Matsuura will showcase the LUMEX hybrid metal 3D printer at North America’s largest and most influential Additive Manufacturing event, RAPID + TCT 2023. Achieve lights out manufacturing, improve time to [...]
Matsuura will showcase the Matsuura LUMEX hybrid metal 3D printer at North America’s largest and most influential Additive Manufacturing event, RAPID + TCT 2023. More information to follow.
Join our Livestream at IMTS 2022
JOIN US AT IMTS 2022 on Monday, September 12 at noon for a livestream event with Tony Gunn and MTD-CNC Global! September 12 – 17, 2022 | McCormick Place, Chicago [...]